A ger in front of Mt. Jargalant - right outside my village
I just finished up a week long visit to my old Peace Corps village where I spent two years teaching English. I ate too much mutton and got stomach cramps. I nearly lost my clogs in the outhouse. I drank non-filtered river water which resulted in (the much feared Peace Corps phenomenon) explosive diarrhea.
It was wonderful!
Minus the cell phones which, with new extended country coverage, have sprouted riotously like wild mushrooms, and some new fruit trees planted in the dry and dusty school yard - everything was bizarrely familiar. I stepped right back into community life for a lovely week.
The final consensus on my three year absence was:
Mongolian language: Still good
My person: Very thin and lovely; so much different from before
My social life: Why, at the dessicated age of 30, am I STILL NOT MARRIED? Subsequent recommendation: Forget the husband and start having babies before it's too late
Soum sweet soum.